Inquiry Transfer

Inquiry Transfer adalah transaksi permintaan Inquiry yang dilakukan oleh customer saat melakukan pembayaran, Inquiry merupakan pengecekan Payment Code pada saat customer melakukan pembayaran di ATM Bersama. Message yang digunakan adalah XML dengan metode POST.

Request Message Format

No Name Type Status Length Description
1 type String M 50 Type of data that requested by Biller, filled in accordance with the type of ongoing transactions:
Value: reqinqpayment
2 vaid int M 18 Payment Code that allocated for payment transfer
3 booking_datetime String M 19 Transmission local date and time of the transaction. (GMT+7).
Format: YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
4 reference_number String M 16 Reference number filled by issuer
5 username String M 25 Given merchant user name provided by Artajasa.
6 signature String M 32 Signature will use MD5 with the component below:


Username and password for sandbox will be provided when when you receive email approval registering as merchant.

Response Message Format

No Name Type Status Length Description
1 type String M 50 Filled in accordance with the type of ongoing transactions:

Value: resinqpayment
2 ack String M 2 Response Code of this transaction, Here is the list of response code of the transaction:
1. 00 = Transaction Success
2. 01 = Illegal Signature
3. 02 = Error Tag XML
4. 03 = Error Content Type
5. 04 = Error Content Length
6. 05 = Error Accessing Database
3 Bookingid/InvoiceId String M 25 Booking ID/InvoiceId (Received From Merchant, Unique)
4 customer_name int M 25 Customer name in which bookingid is attached to
5 min_amount int M 12 Minimal amount that customer should pay
should numeric, excluding decimal point)

For example:
IDR 50.000 will be denoted as 50000
6 max_amount int M 12 Maksimal amount that customer should pay
should numeric, excluding decimal point)

For example:
IDR 1.892.221 will be denoted as 1892221
7 productid String M 16 Product id from Biller (must unique on Biller’s side)
8 signature String M 32 Signature will use MD5 with the component below:


Berikut di bawah ini adalah contoh message XML Inquiry Transfer:

Request XML:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <booking_datetime>2011-11-08 20:20:33</booking_datetime>

Response XML:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>